Horeca space : Opening hours

The Café

We serve the first coffee: 

- 09.30 am to 17.00 pm, Wensday to Saturday

- 13.00 am to 17.00 pm, on Sunday

The Brasserie

Monday: close 
Tuesday: 12.00 -14.00 
Wednesday: 12.00 - 14.00    19.00 - 21.00
Thursday: 12.00 to 14.00     19.00 - 21.00
Friday: 12.00 - 14.00         19.00 - 21.30 
Saturday : 12.00 - 14.00    19.00 - 21.30 
Sunday : 12.00 - 14.30


Privatization & Group reservation above 15 people

+32 2 880 47 04  -  events@thebrasserie.be

The Brasserie - Belgian cuisine and beer pairings


The Beerlab

We are open from 5.30 PM to:

- 10.00 pm: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays

- 11.00 pm: Fridays and Saturdays 

outside Belgian Beer World tour access.